A collaborative platform where people can find projects to work on, find people to work with for projects or freelancing work.

What is Wooork?
Wooork is a collaborative platform for people to work together on exciting projects. If someone has an interesting idea for a project they want to create and wants members in their team, then they can put their project on our platform, and if others like their idea, they can collaborate and create a project together.
- Frontend
- React
- React-router
- Redux
- Axios
- TailwindCSS
- Backend
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- Database
- MongoDB
- GitHub Authentication
- Un-authenticated users can only see other users’ projects and profiles.
- Only authenticated users can send collaboration requests. After sending the request, the collaboration notification will be sent along with the message that the user has given to the project owner.
- Authenticated users can edit their project(s) and add/remove collaborators.
- Authenticated users can also edit their profiles.